Summary: This article will help guide best practices for Securly Classroom in order to be able to access all of your students both in-person and remote.
Note: The Securly Classroom extension has been force pinned to all Jeffco student profiles. It is attached to the student’s account - not the device. Teachers can access any student who is logged in to a BYOD laptop, desktop, chromebook, Mac and any Jeffco device (with the exception of iPads and cellphones) as long as the student is logged in at the CHROME BROWSER level.
Jeffco Issued Device, Personal Laptop, Personal Mac, Personal Chromebook:
Ensure that students are logged in with their
Securly Classroom does not work on iPads or cellphones
Students must be using the Chrome Browser. Safari and Edge do not work with Securly Classroom
If a student is not present for that class period ensure that you click off the green checkmark next to the student silhouette
If the Extension is missing from the student omni bar
The student is not logged into their @jeffcoschools at the Chrome Browser level. Ensure that the student is logged into the device at the highest level. They should see their picture or initials at the top of the screen , right below and to the right of any tabs that are open
The Extension is gray
The teacher has not properly started the class. When a student is in an active class, the extension will be green and orange
Have the student shut down the device and log back on
The Extension has a red exclamation mark
The device is inadequate, end of life or is not getting updates If it is a Jeffco issued device, click on the Gopher Buddy icon to ensure the device is updated.
Put in a ticket and ECTS can help problem solve any Jeffco device issue
The silhouette is gray and teacher can not see the student thumbnail
Ensure that the student is logged into the Chrome Browser with their
Ensure that the student can see the extension on their omni bar. If they cant-they are not logged into the browser
Have the student shut down completely and log back on using their